Tuesday, 8 March 2011

"Urban" Laundry!

I know I mentioned I only do wedding photography and portraits, but one of my long time friends Dawn had asked me to help her out with a concept piece she was doing for her school project for the Graphic Arts Program at Durham College. I JUMPED on the idea!

If her concept gets chosen, it will be shown at an Exhibit at The Design Exchange! I haven't ironed out all the details yet, but I know she will also be designing a mock-up magazine spread with some of the photos I took for her concept.

It was a fun day! Dawn and I had scouted out old retro-style laundromats around the Toronto area the weekend prior to the shoot at the end of February 2010. And I must say, the laundromats around The Beaches area (Queen Street), where quite modern looking in some, and not big enough for what we wanted in others.

So we decided to go further west. We hit Landsdown & Bloor, after my boyfriend suggested we try scouting out there for something a little more grungier! And BINGO! We found one! It was called "Coin Laundry" (yes..thats it. Just "Coin Laundry") and we hit the target on the exact look we were aiming for. Dim, somber lighting, with old retro-style washing machines, and albeit many upgraded dryers but it was a great size to work with and we had full run of the place and no one bothered us!

So the following weekend, we rounded up my beautiful model and dear friend Marsha and Dawn's two friends Lisa and Marcel to give the concept of "fashionable" clothing against, a dark, urban and lonely laundromat.

I definitely had some fun shots from that day!

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