Sunday, 20 March 2011

Airing Out Our Finest : The Design Exchange - April 11-25th 2011

Hello to all my blog followers! Sorry I haven't written in awhile. I've been bogged down with work and school, and well, many of us know how that can be!

This year is the 10th installment of this exhibit profiling work from Durham College's Graphic Design graduating students. The exhibit will include work that covers all disciplines of the graphic design industry.

The 2010 third place winners of the National PAC competition will also have their design exhibited, as well as the winners of Durham College's first "crow" awards for creative video design from second year students.

 If you skim back a few blog posts to the write up I did about "Urban Laundry", you'll read how I collaborated with my long time friend Dawn to create a visual concept of doing a photoshoot in an old run down laundromat with our models decked out in fashionable clothing to create a strong contrast between grungy, and 'urban' and the spread contains a brief discussion about human geography having a great impact on human behaviour and the logic of behavioural analysis.

While shooting for the spread, we also ventured into many other laundromats in search of old grungy retro washing machines and dryers. Dawn had asked me to take some detail shots of the different washers and dryers and other surroundings in these various laundromats, so that she could apply her graphic design to the images and prepare them for the possibility of being chosen for the exhibit!

Now totally off topic but in relation to the shoot:

I met up with Dawn on St. Patrick's Day, and she finally completed the 'mock-up' Tank Magazine spread! It looks fabulous! Dawn did an exceptional job making my photography come to life, and I owe her a huge heartfelt THANK-YOU for working so hard and being so good at what she does. It really gives me a sense of accomplishment to see my work being looked at in a whole new way.

I would also like to make special mention to my beautiful dear friend Marsha Jodrell for volunteering to model for us in the shoot, along with Dawn's 2 friends Lisa and Marcel. Marsha worked really well with them, and I know I can always count on her if I ever had a photography project that required a model!

With that being said - WE'VE BEEN CHOSEN FOR THE EXHIBIT at the Design Exchange! It runs from April 11-25th, 2011 with the opening reception being on April 12th.

The exhibit is open to the public and and I'm spreading the word for anyone interested in attending. I will keep you all posted on Facebook as the date approaches.

Signing off for now. I have some smiling to do :)

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